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Test Case Template

The ITP test cases are defined using YAML files. Each file is composed of several fields which define both the validations to perform during a test as well as the behaviour of any simulated components. This page describes the basic structure of a YAML file for the test platform.

Test Case Information

Every test case YAML file begins with the same basic information. Six fields are used as a header to specify particular characteristics related to the test case and the use case it belongs to. Below you can see a table with the fields used in the header and an example of the test case data in a YAML file.

nameThe name of the Test Case that will be shown to users.Authorized Transaction by Payer FSP
slugA unique name for the test case, used internally.authorized-transaction
use_caseThe name of the Use Case that the test case case is related to. This should be identical for all Test Cases sharing a Use Case.
behaviorDefines the type of the Test Case, i.e. "Happy flow" (positive) and "Unhappy flow" (negative).
  • positive
  • negative
descriptionA description of the Test Case. It is useful to include some business background of what we are trying to achieve in this case.The Service Provider wants to test if he is capable of receiving a transaction from a different wallet...
preconditionAn additional area describing specific values that should be used to execute a Test Case. This may include directions for using test case triggers.

Example of test case information in a YAML file

name: Authorized Transaction by Payer FSP
slug: authorized-transaction
use_case: Merchant-Initiated Merchant Payment
behavior: positive
description: |
The Service Provider wants to test if he is capable of receiving a
transaction from a different wallet provider than the one with which he has
an account. In this case, we simulate the scenario when the Payer would
like to buy goods or services from a Service Provider (the Payee), but each
of them uses different wallet providers. This flow shows the necessary
steps for this transaction simulating an approved transaction.
precondition: |
- Service Provider has GSMA Mobile Money API Implemented.
- Service Provider is capable of handling async calls.
- Payee and Payer MMOs exist in Mojaloop as Participants.
- Payee and Payer exist in Mojaloop as Parties.
- Amount should be the value "1001".
- Debit party should be identified by account identifier "msisdn" with the value "+33555123456".
- Credit party should be identified by account identifier "msisdn" with the value "+33555789123".

Test Case Components

The components field defines the components which are used in the test case. Each component is defined by:

nameThe readable name of the component that will be shown to users.Service Provider
slugA short unique name for the component, which will be used elsewhere in the file and in component URLs.sp
versions (optional)The versions of a component for which this test case should be used.[v1, v2]

Although the name, slug and versions field are free to be any values, it is generally a good idea to keep the values consistent across multiple test cases. This ensures that identical components are correctly grouped in component diagrams, for example.

Component versions can be useful in the situation that the test platform wants to test multiple versions of a component at once. For example, one may wish to test a behaviour which exists in v1 of a system, but is deprecated in v2 and v3. In this case, two test cases should be created - with the version field set appropriately in both. If the behaviour examined by a test case does not differ based on component versions, then the version field may be omitted, and the test case will be used for any component version.

# ... test case information
- name: Service Provider
slug: service-provider
- v2
- v3
- name: Mojaloop
slug: mojaloop
- name: Mobile Money Operator 1
slug: mmo1
- name: Mobile Money Operator 2
slug: mmo2

Test Steps

The remainder of the test case file is made up of a list of test steps. Each step represents an HTTP request made as part of the test, and is defined by the following values:

sourceThe sender of the request. Should be a slug from the components section of the test case. Will be used to match incoming requests
  • sp
  • mmo-1
  • etc.
targetThe recipient of the request. Should be a slug from the components section of the test case. Will be used to match incoming requests
  • sp
  • mmo-1
  • etc.
methodThe request method that will be used to match incoming requests.
  • POST
  • PUT
  • etc.
patternA regular expression that will be used to match incoming requests using the request path.
  • ^transactionRequests\$
  • ^quotes/[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}\$
  • etc.
triggerA JSON value that will be compared against incoming request bodies for matching.
  • {amount: '99'}
  • etc.
api_specThe API spec to perform automated schema validation. Should be a specification name from the database.
  • Mojaloop v1.0
  • MM v1.1.2
  • etc.
pathA path defined inside the API spec, which is used to lookup schema validation rules. Also used as a label for the step.
  • /quotes/{ID}
  • /transactionRequests
  • etc.
mtlsA boolean indicating whether an mTLS connection is required to execute this test steptrue or false
test_request_scriptsA list of business rule assertions that will be performed on the request.see below
test_response_scriptsA list of business rule assertions that will be performed on the HTTP response.see below
requestA template HTTP request which will be used to generate test requests from a simulator.see below
responseA template HTTP response which will be used to generate test responses from a simulator.see below

Example of test steps

# Step 1. Mobile Money Operator 2 -> Mojaloop
- source: mmo-2
target: mojaloop
method: PUT
pattern: "^quotes/[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$"
amount: "99"
api_spec: Mojaloop v1.0
path: /quotes/{ID}
test_request_scripts: # ...
test_response_scripts: # ...
request: # ...
response: # ...

# Step 2. Mobile Money Operator 1 -> Mojaloop
- source: mmo-1
target: mojaloop
method: PUT
pattern: "^quotes/[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$"
amount: "99"
api_spec: Mojaloop v1.0
path: /quotes/{ID}
test_request_scripts: # ...
test_response_scripts: # ...
request: # ...
response: # ...

# ...

Assertions (test_request_scripts and test_response_scripts)

Assertions are used to validate that certain business conditions hold in a more powerful way than is possible using API schema validation. Where API schema validation can only validate the structure of a message, assertions can be used to validate the content. Assertions can be performed for any value in the header, body or uri of the request or response. In a response, the status field may also be used for assertions.

Each request/response may have a number of assertions, and each assertion is defined by a name and a list of Laravel validation rules. The key for each rule is a path to a field using 'dot' syntax within the request/response object. For more information on the syntax of these rules, visit the Laravel documentation site.

In addition to the builtin Laravel validation rules, ITP defines a number of custom validators targeting ILP Packets:

  • ilpPacketAmount: Validates that the ILP packet contains the specified amount. If no value is provided, the body.amount field is used as a default.
  • ilpPacketExpiration: Validates that the ILP packet contains the specified expiration date. If no value is provided, the body.expiration field is used as a default.
  • ilpPacketCondition: Validates that the ILP packet contains the specified condition field. If no value is provided, the body.condition field is used as a default.
  • ilpPacketDestination: Validates that the ILP packet contains the specified destination.
- name: Amounts and currencies are specified correctly
body.transferAmount.amount: "required|in:99"
body.transferAmount.currency: "required|regex:/^[A-Z]{3}/"
body.payeeReceiveAmount.amount: "required|in:100"
body.payeeReceiveAmount.currency: "required|regex:/^[A-Z]{3}/"
body.payeeFspCommission.amount: "required|in:1"
body.payeeFspCommission.currency: "required|regex:/^[A-Z]{3}/"
- name: ILP Packet is well-formed
- "required"
- "regex:/^[A-Za-z0-9-_]+[=]{0,2}$/"
- "ilpPacketAmount:99"
- "{{ env.PHONE }}"
- "ilpPacketCondition"
- "ilpPacketExpiration"
- name: Callback URL is specified
headers.x-callback-url.*: "required|url"
- name: Transaction was successfully accepted
status: "required|in:200"

Request and Response Templates

Each test step is also defined by a template request and response. This is used by the platform to generate simulated traffic for the components which are not SUTs in a session. Additionally, the templates also provide documentation for test platform users, to outline which data needs to be sent, or can be expected from other components during test execution.

A request template is composed of the following fields:

methodThe HTTP method used to make the request.GET, POST
uriA path or URI used to make the request./quotes, /parties/{{ env.PARTY }}

The following fields may be used in both a request or response template:

headersA list of headers to include in the request or response.[accept: "application/json"]
bodyA JSON payload for the request or response.{amount: "1005", currency: "USD", ...}
delayHow many seconds the simulator should delay before sending the request or response.5
jwsConfiguration options for verifying and generating JWS signature headers.

Finally, the following fields may only be used in a response template:

statusThe status code that will be used for a response.200

Example of a request and response

- #...
method: POST
uri: /transactions
accept: "application/json"
content-type: "application/json"
x-callback-url: ""
x-date: "2000-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
amount: "1005"
currency: "USD"
type: "merchantpay"
- key: "msisdn"
value: "+33555123456"
- key: "msisdn"
value: "+33555789123"
status: 400
x-date: "2000-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
content-type: "application/json"

JWS Signatures

The Interoperability Test Platform supports generation of JWS signatures by simulators, and verification of JWS signatures sent by SUTs. Both are controlled by adding a jws key to a test step request or response. The jws configuration object includes two files which should be uploaded to the session environment when the test case is executed - one for the public key (used to validate the JWS signature) and one for the private key (used to generate the JWS signature in simulators). Any normal environment variable may be used for these fields (see "Template Variables" below).

alg (optional)The JWS algorithm to use. Available values are RS256 (default), RS384, RS512, HS256, HS384, HS512
keyThe private key used to generate a JWS signature
public_keyThe public key used to validate a JWS signature
protectedHeadersThe request/response headers which will be included in the JWS signature
headerThe name of the header which will contain the JWS signature
transform (optional)The name of an additional transformation to apply to the signature. The only available value currently is mojaloop.

The transform field exists because different implementations expect the JWS signature in different formats. By default, the JWS signature will be directly inserted into the HTTP header. With the mojaloop transform enabled, the signature will be wrapped in a JSON object along with a protectedHeaders field, and it is this object which is inserted into the HTTP header.

- # ...
# ...
alg: RS256
key: "{{ env.MMO_PRIVATE_KEY }}"
public_key: "{{ env.MMO_PUBLIC_KEY }}"
header: "FSPIOP-Signature"
transform: mojaloop
- FSPIOP-Source
- FSPIOP-Destination
- Date

Repeating Requests

It is sometimes desirable to test scenarios where a particular step may be repeated several times before proceeding. As an example, an API based on polling would require a simulator to make several "poll" requests before the final answer is provided. This can be achieved through the repeat parameter of a test step. repeat is defined by the following parameters:

conditionResponses returned to the platform will be compared against this condition. If the condition matches, the test run will repeat the request again
maxThe maximum number of times the repeat condition may hold before the test is considered a failure.
responseA sample intermediate response which will be used by a simulator before moving on to the next step
countThe number of times a simulator should send the intermediate response before moving on to the next step
test_response_scriptsOptionally, you may specify some assertions to apply against the intermediate responses.
- path: /get-status
pattern: "^get-status$"
method: GET
source: source-component
target: target-component
- name: Transaction was successfully accepted
body.result: "SUCCESS"
status: "required|in:200"
method: GET
uri: /get-status

# Final response, sent by a simulator after 2 occurrences
status: 200
result: "SUCCESS"

# If a system responds to a simulated request with this body, we will repeat the request
result: "PENDING"
# If the condition above holds more than 3 times, we will count it as a failure
max: 3
# Our simulator will send a "PENDING" response twice before sending "SUCCESS"
count: 2
status: 202
updatedTime: '{{ "now" | date }}'
result: "PENDING"
# We want to check that "PENDING" responses sent by a system are well-formed
- name: Request was received
body.result: "required|in:PENDING"
status: "required|in:202"

Template variables

It is often useful to include dynamic data within a test case. Some examples of this are:

  • To send a simulated request with a freshly generated UUID on each test run
  • To include a field in a HTTP response which was dynamically provided in a preceding request
  • To customise the test execution for a particular environment (e.g. to include a valid MSISDN registered within the SUT taking part in the test)

Template variables are a way to achieve the above by injecting values inside any string within the test_steps[*].request and test_steps[*].response objects. In addition, variables may be used inside the rules field of test_steps[*].test_request_scripts and test_steps[*].test_response_scripts.

The test platform uses the powerful templating language Twig to allow sandboxed execution of arbitrary logic within the test case context. This allows us to create templates with highly dynamic data - such as including data from previous messages, or combining multiple sources of data using arithmetic. The syntax for Twig template variables is {{ twig_expression }}.

A full description of the twig templating language is beyond the scope of this documentation, although a detailed reference is available on the Twig website.

Within a test case, the following context variables are available for use (in addition to all of Twig's built-in functions and variables):


The env variable contains a reference to the variables defined within the session when it is in execution. Two types of environment variable exist - string variables and file variables. String variables will be replaced directly inside the twig template as strings, whereas file variables will be inserted as a file path. File variables are useful for providing a reference to a public or private key in the jws field of a test step.

Any legal Javascript variable name may be used for an environment variable, but the convention is to use "UPPER_SNAKE_CASE". It is often useful to document the names of any variables used within a test case in the test case preconditions, so that users of the test case can quickly verify that they have provided values for all important variables to the test case.

msisdn: "{{ env.MMO1_PARTY_MSISDN }}"
msisdn: "{{ env.MMO2_PARTY_MSISDN }}"


The steps variable contains a reference to all previously executed test steps in the test case. In the following example, we use steps in combination with twig's ability to perform arithmetic to simulate a constant fee of 1 USD being applied to the amount requested in a previous step:

currency: "USD"
amount: "{{ steps.7.request.body.amount.amount + 1 }}"


The uuidv4() function can be used to generate a unique UUID for a request. It can be used in conjunction with steps as described above to correlate a UUID across several steps:

# ...
serverCorrelationId: "{{ uuidv4() }}"
# ...
requestId: "{{ steps.4.request.body.serverCorrelationId }}"


Parsing date-like strings such as "now" is a builtin feature of Twig, but it is documented here separately as a useful tool in building test cases. Using Twig filters, you can format a date using any format string:

X-Date: '{{ "now" | date("F j, Y, g:i a") }}'
X-Future-Date: '{{ "+1 hour" | date("F j, Y, g:i a") }}'


It is sometimes useful to be able to refer to a component by URL in a test case - for example to generate a dynamic callback URL. This can be achieved with the mapped_urls variable. These will contain the same URLs that are displayed to the user during the session creation wizard.

The format is mapped_urls["from-component-slug"]["to-component-slug"].

X-Callback-URL: '{{ mapped_urls["mmo1"]["sp"] }}/callback'
# If a slug is alphanumeric, it is possible to use dot syntax instead:
X-Error-Callback-URL: "{{ mapped_urls.mmo1.sp }}/error"

ILP Functions

In order to generate ILP variables, the following functions have been defined:

  • ilpFulfilment(): Generates a value for the ILP fulfilment
  • ilpCondition( fulfilment ): Generates a condition based on a fulfilment
  • ilpPacket( amount, expires, condition, destination, data): Generates an ILP packet
  • base64_urlencode: Applies a base64_url encoding
  • base64_urldecode: Decodes a base64_url encoded string
condition: '{{ ilpCondition(ilpFulfilment()) | base64_urlencode }}'
expiration: '{{ "+1 hour" | date("Y-m-d\\TH:i:s.vP")}}'
ilpPacket: '{{
"+1 hour",
) | base64_urlencode