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Development Tools

CLI Tools

Throughout this guide, we assume the presence on your development machine of the following tools:

  1. docker
  2. docker-compose
  3. git
  4. npm (optionally, yarn)


The interoperability test platform is built using Docker, which means that each component can run on any environment which supports Docker. Installation guides are available for Ubuntu, macOS and Windows.

You can check that Docker has been correctly installed by running the following commands on your machine:

$ docker --version
# Docker version 19.03.11, build 42e35e61f3

3. docker-compose

Each ITP component is developed using microservices which are coordinated using docker-compose. On Windows and macOS, docker-compose should be installed automatically with Docker. On a Linux host, docker-compose must be installed separately using this guide.

You can check that docker-compose has been correctly installed by running the following commands on your machine:

$ docker-compose --version
# docker-compose version 1.26.0, build d4451659


We recommend the use of git to download source code and fetch updates. Installation guides for git for all platforms can be found here.



Use homebrew to install node and npm together.

brew install node


Follow the installation guide here


Follow the installation guide here

Non-CLI Tools

  1. Github
  2. Postman
  3. IDE (optional)


All of the ITP repositories are available on Github. While you don't need a GitHub account to download and play around with the code, you must have your own GitHub account set up in order to contribute.


Postman is a tool for exploring and testing APIs. You can download it from here.

Alternatively on recent versions of Linux, you may run:

sudo snap install postman


When writing code, you may wish to use an IDE instead of a simple text editor. There are plenty available out there, including: